Oak Spring Subdivision Development in Hannibal, Missouri has 41 building lots available for purchase. Call Jim Mulhern Builders to start building your dream home right now. Check the graphic below to see which spot is the right one for you.
Thirty lots line Kitlaw Avenue, a cul-de-sac street off Westover Road. Twelve large lots surround Oak Spring Drive, also ending in a private cul-de-sac.
Downtown Hannibal, Missouri, is just 5 miles away, with some shopping even closer. Quincy, Illinois is a 24 mile drive from your new home. Troy is 62 miles down Highway 61 and you’ll find yourself at the Cardinals baseball stadium in just 115 miles.
This development is on Westover Road / County Road 416, just off Highway 61 north of Boland Auto Outlet. Come check out the lay of the land and then call us to get more information.